Today´s lesson for 2º BACHILLERATO, UNIT 6

Cuando cambiamos oraciones compuestas a estilo indirecto (REPORTED SPEECH OR INDIRECT SPEECH) debemos cambiar todos los verbos conjugados, además de recordar cambiar pronombres, posesivos y referencias temporales.
Ya sean oraciones enunciativas (STATEMENTS),oraciones interrrogativas (QUESTIONS) u oraciones imperativas (COMMANDS).

Todo lo que hemos aprendido de activa/ pasiva, oraciones subordinadas adverbiales, subordinadas relativas, verbos modales simples, pasiva, causativo, phrasal verbs, etc sufrirá la CONSECUTIO TEMPORUM o  cambio al pasado,BACK-SHIFT en inglés, es decir, los verbos conjugados darán un salto al pasado.
Simple Present   al  Simple Past
Simple Past  al  Past Perfect,

Cambios que puedes ver en SB. p102 y en WB. pp 99-100. También puedes ver el video de FLIPPED CLASSROOM, UNIT 6, REPORTED SPEECH.

Ya sean oraciones enunciativas (STATEMENTS):

"Your mother hasn´t written to me since I turned 90", Mike´s grandmother stated.

Mike´s grandmother stated that his mother hadn´t written to her since she had turned 90.

"I wish I were in love again," the crooner sang. (Michael Bublé is a crooner)

The crooner sang the he wished he had been in love again.

"Honestly, I can understand everything about you, Anne but your sense of humour is quite nonsensical,"  her bbf commented.

Anna´s bbf honestly commented that she could understand everything about Anna but that her sense of humour was quite nonsensical.

oraciones interrrogativas (QUESTIONS):

"Do you really have to take a cold bath which will be good for all of us?" their partner wanted to know.

Their partner wanted to kwow if they really had to take a cold bath which would be good for all of them.

"Why did you blow your nose in a piece of tissue-paper which you afterwards burnt causing the fire?"The firefighter asked angrily.

The fire fighter asked  him/her angrily why he/She had blown his/her nose in a piece of tissue-paper which he/she then had burnt causing a fire,

Must bicycles be parked in front of the courtyard when the classes begin?", the new student wondered.

The student wondered whether bicycles had to be parked in front of the courtyard when the classes began.

o oraciones imperativas (COMMANDS):

"Don´t bother to me what you think about the topic!", our boss ordered

Our boss ordered us not to bother to tell him/her what we thought about the topic.

Nuestro jefe/nuestra jefa nos dijo que no nos molestáramos en comentar lo que pensábamos del tema.

"Mind the step or you will break your neck!" the shop assistant told him.

The shop assistant told him to mind the step or he would break his neck.

"Don´t  put that poster up until we finish tidying up!"  the Head Teacher asked me.

The Head teacher asked  me not to put the poster up until they finished tidying up.

(Also possible :Don´t put up the poster..../ Don´t put it up.....)
