
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como readers
1º BACHILLERATO 3/4 We are having the retake exam of the reader "LIVE AND LET DIE" on April 15th, seventh period in classroom Inglés III ( miércoles 15 de abril a séptima hora). 1º  AMPLIACIÓN I do realise that this last week of the 2nd term may not  be the time for doing Unit-9-test so I have made up my mind and we are calling the test off and putting the date off until our Easter holiday  be finished. We are doing the  Unit-9-test on April 8th, Wednesday during our class in the Multiple Use Classroom (SUM).   ***Remember to revise vocabulary and to do the listenings (UNIT 9) again more then once. The road to success implies some effort made (I mean some effort you have to make on your own, by yourself without company.)  

9th January 2015, Ana´s class diary

2º AMPLIACIÓN UNIT 6 VIDEO WATCHING FROM THIS BLOG "TIPS FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE" (We have played twice.) WHAT´S UP HEALTH PROBLEMS: VOCABULARY SB, page 34 1º BACHILLERATO 3/4 After yesterday´s explanation we have done some classwork,  WB, pages 30-31, exercises 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 ( the last ones were done but not corrected, though I am considering to have an exercise similar in the next text) It is a very talkative large class, with them I go very slowly. The lessons are painfully slow because of the constant interruptions and the noise of their chatter and they usually have very little interest  or attention during the explanations and corrections. Bad attitude (like trolls) today as every Friday. Planning of the following week 13th January: Homework, WB: unit 3, pages 20 to 23 ( both included) we are having the exercises  corrected. 15th January  Reader´s test 16th January Listening activities from SB & WB or simila

Anna´s Diary

1º AMPLIACIÓN MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS BIG GROUP AT THE SUM COMMUNICATE 1 pps 10 LIFE CHOICES GCSE´S A LEVELS APPRENTICESHIP VOCATIONAL TRAINING LISTENINGS, EXERCISES 1,2 & 3 COMPLETE THE CHART ON NOTEBOOKS NOTE-TAKING WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS FOUR STUDENTS DIDN´T ATTEND CLASSES. NEXT BIG CLASS WE ARE HAVING THE EXAM UNIT 1. BE AS PUNCTUAL AS POSSIBLE 2º AMPLIACIÓN GROUP 1 : FINAL TASK p 8, Jenny´s session GROUP 2: LISTENING  p 12 COMMUNITY CARE Care in the Community (also called "Community Care" or "Domiciled Care") is the British policy of deinstitutionalization, treating and caring for physically and mentally disabled people in their homes rather than in an institution. Institutional care was the target of widespread criticism during the 1960s and 1970s, but it was not until 1983 that the government of Margaret Thatcher adopted a new policy of care after the Audit Commission published a report called '

The Phantom of the Opera

MAIN CHARACTHERS Erik Disfigured composer who lives in the cellars beneath the Paris Opera House, frequently referred to as “the Opera Ghost” Christine Daaé Budding young opera star, Erik’s student and Raoul’s love interest  Raoul  Phillipe’s younger brother and Christine’s childhood friend Phillipe The Comte de Chagny  a handsome and wealthy aristocrat Debienne and Poligny  Managers of the Paris Opera House who sell the institution early in the novel Montcharmin and Richard  New managers of the Paris Opera House, both initially skeptical of the existence of the Opera Ghost Madame (Mame) Giry The Opera House boxkeeper (similar to contemporary ushers) Carlotta A prima donna,  a renowned singer at the Paris Opera House Joseph Buquet A popular scene shifter responsible for moving and adjusting sets during the opera’s productions Professor and Mme. Valerius Christine’s benefactors who raise her after her father dies The Persian Mysterious Opera House res

Ana´s diary: 2nd December 2013

4ºB READER: Listening chapters 1&2.   Unit 3 Presentation  SB, page 21 Vocabulary: Types of texts                              Pronunciation                              HOMEWORK:                              WB, pages 10-11