
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como Conditionals

6th November´s lesson 2º Bachillerato

  Conditionals and wishes de Míriam ALTERNATIVES TO IF: REPHRASING EXERCISES

Inversion: Conditionals without if. (4th November´s HOMEWORK)


3rd November´s lesson- 2º Bachillerato (4th November´s HOMEWORK-VIDEO WATCHING)

  👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Latin words ending in -um   form the plural in -a. Para formar el plural de estas palabras podemos agregar una s al singular, pero el lenguaje culto-científico se prefiere mantener la terminación en latín. addendum  -  addenda, addendums bacterium  -  bacteria (solo en Latín) datum  -  data, datums symposium  -  symposia, symposiums aquarium  -  aquaria, aquariums curriculum  -  curricula, curriculums SB, pages 24-25 We didn´t finish correcting. The vocabulary exercises 6,7 and 8 weren´t corrected today.

Conditionals MADE EASY


Revision: Uses of WOULD, 11th February 2019

Using would as as a kind of past tense of will or going to is common in reported speech: She said that she would buy some eggs. ("I will buy some eggs.") The candidate said that he wouldn't increase taxes. ("I won'tincreasetaxes.") Why didn't you bring your umbrella? I told you it would rain! ("It'sgoingto rain.") We often use would not to talk about past refusals: He wanted a divorce but his wife would not agree. Yesterday morning, the car wouldn't start. We sometimes use would (rather like used to ) when talking about habitual past behaviour: Every weekday my father would come home from work at 6pm and watch TV. Every summer we'd go to the seaside. Sometimes she'd phone me in the middle of the night. We would always argue. We could never agree. would for the future in past When talking about the past we can use would to express something that ha

Alternatives to IF, 11th February 2019

IF, EVEN IF, ONLY IF, AS LONG AS, PROVIDED, SUPPOSING, UNLESS, BUT FOR, IF NECESSARY, IF SO, IN CASE etc. IF and WHEN When can replace if in zero conditionals: If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. When you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. In the other types of conditionals, we cannot use when instead of if . EVEN IF Even if emphasises that something will happen, would happen or would have happened whatever the condition: Even if we leave right now , we still won't catch the train. I wouldn't go into the water even if I could swim . Even if we had booked our flight earlier , it wouldn't have been cheaper. ONLY IF Only if makes the condition more restrictive: Acetaminophen is dangerous to children only if dosage is too high. If the if -clause is first, the subject and the auxiliary in the main clause are inverted: Only if you like classical music  is it worth coming tonight. SO/AS LONG AS, PROVIDING/PROVIDED

Alernative to Conditionals: Rephrasing exercises. 09/02718

You should put more paper in the photocopiers tray. That way you will not have any problems. as long as As long as you put more paper in the photocopier you will... Do not include that book in the reference list unless you have used it in the main texts. only if  If lectures are boring students will not want to attend. otherwise (start with result)  If you include all the correct references you will not be plagiarising. provided that If you have already answered  the first question, you can do the second question. providing that She will graduate next year if she passes all her courses. supposing Don´t take this course if you are not ready to study statistics. unless   If we read the results carefully we are more aware of the limitations in the study. when   We always have to wear goggles if we enter the lab . whenever.  They will invest in the project even if it does not make a lot of money. Whether or not