
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como Health

11th November´s homework: WB pages 16-17 -2º Bachillerato 1

Unit 2   STAYING WELL VOCABULARY  Page 16  1  1 illness  2 diet 3 problem 4 difficult  5 extreme  2  1 well-being  2 quit 3 dosage 4 relapse 5 gain weight  6 drowsy  7 overweight  3  Possible answers: 1 exercise 2 climbing stairs 3 by eating less appetite  4 a gym  5 feeling sleepy / lack of  6 a fear of flying  4  1 Vaccinations have almost wiped out polio. / Polio has almost been wiped out due to vaccinations.  2 You have to / should go beyond complaining.  3 You’re in the early stages of this disease. / This disease is in the early stages.  4 You’re on the verge of feeling better.  5 We feasted on all the cakes.  5  1 b 2 e  3 f  4 d  5 c 6 a  Page 17  6  1 on the verge of 2 slim down 3 stages 4 adjust  5 crash diet   6 workouts  7 drowsy  8 goes beyond   Nouns and Prepositions  7  1 for 2 from 3 on 4  in 5  of  6 in  7 to  8 on  9 in   Phrasal Verbs  8  1 kick in  2 come dow with 3 look after 4 pull through 5 pass away  6 break out  7 pass out  9  Possible answers:  1 tired  2 ill

Health and medicine verbs: Practice & Correction 2º Bachillerato 1 👇👇👇👇

POSSIBLE ANSWERS - Washing your hands prevents disease. -The doctor uses the x-ray to diagnose the illness. - The nurse admits the patient to hospital. - The GP (General Practitioner- Medical Doctor) consults the patient about her recovery. - The nurse is adjusting the IV, - The patient is getting an injection in the arm. He is injecting a vaccine into the patient´s arm. - The doctor is measuring the patient´s blood pressure. - The medical staff have many devices to monitor the patients. - The surgical team are operating on a patient. (performing an operation ) - Taking medicine relieves headaches. - She is suffering from a severe headache. - The therapist is trying to rehabilitate the patient´s leg movement. . Shaking hands can transmit bacteria and viruses.👇

Breakfast is really important!


Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle!


Stones: Supersize versus skinny (the EXTREMES)


Calorie burner: How much better is standing up than sitting?

    Studies have claimed major health benefits for standing for much of the day as opposed to sitting. The difference is marked, explains Michael Mosley. Guess how many hours a day you spend sitting? Fewer than eight? More than 10? A recent survey found that many of us spend up to 12 hours a day sitting on our bottoms looking at computers or watching television. If you throw in the seven hours we spend sleeping then that adds up to a remarkable 19 hours a day being sedentary. Sitting down as much as this is clearly bad for us and some studies suggest that those who sit all day live around two years less than those who are more active. Most of us are guilty of excess sitting. We sit at work, in the car and at home, moving only to shift from one seat to another. Even if you exercise on a regular basis that may not be enough. There is mounting evidence that exercise will not undo the damage done by prolonged sitting. Our technology has made us the most sedent