
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como PASSIVE VOICE

29th October´s lesson PASSIVE PRACTICE 2º Bachillerato 1


Passive Voice: when and how to use the Passive Voice.


Passive Voice: basic changes from active to passive.



3º ESO A / 3º B TAREAS que los alumnos tienen que realizar en casa (desde el día 11/03 al 25/03) Como comenzamos nuevo tema indicar que estamos en el Tema 6 (Unit 6 Creativity) Traducir vocabulario del tema 6- Creativity, SPECTRUM 3 WB página 104. Hacer el Vocabulary Practice, SPECTRUM 3 WB página 105. Copiar lista de verbos irregulares y estudiarlos. Leer con atención la Grammar Reference y copiarla en el cuaderno, SPECTRUM 3 WB página 106. Hacer la Grammar Practice, SPECTRUM 3 WB página 107. Repasar páginas 86-87 SPECTRUM 3 WB Repasar páginas 90-91 SPECTRUM 3 WB Repasar páginas 94-95 SPECTRUM 3 WB Repasar páginas 98-99 SPECTRUM 3 WB Repasar páginas 102-103 SPECTRUM 3 WB Cuando volvamos a tener clase, la profesora corregirá los ejercicios y realizaremos los exámenes ya fijados y que se han tenido que aplazar.

Examen de recuperación de inglés: 1º Bachillerato 3/4

Se tienen que presentar al examen los siguientes alumnos: Sandra Agudo Sheila Arenillas Cándida Cabrer Cristina Casado Guadalupe Catalán Marcos Collado Ghizlán El Kahk Daniel García Marta González Miriam Leal Jaime López Jesús Lorenzo Zaida Manzano Najoua Meki Madalina Pop Roberto Prats Christian Rojo Vanessa Sánchez

Happy Easter: Back to basics!

PASSIVE WITH VERBS OF SAYING AND BELIEVING: IT IS SAID (THAT)... 1. IT+ PASSIVE+ (THAT )CLAUSE WITH: agree, believe, consider, decide, hope, know, say It is said (that )there is plenty of oil off our own coast. 2- THERE+ PASSIVE + TO BE WITH : believe, fear, know, report, say, suppose, think. There is said to be plenty of oil off our own coast. 3. SUBJECT (NOT IT) + PASSIVE+  TO-INFINITIVE WITH: believe, consider, know, say, allege. Jane /she is said to know all there is to know about chimpanzees.

Passive for everybody

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action. [Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action] Examples: Active / Passive Overview Active Passive Simple Present* Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Present Continuous* Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah. Simple Past* Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam. Past Continuous* The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. The customer was being h
1º AMPLIACIÓN  COMMUNICATE 1 page 37 Functional language: exercises 1, 2 and 3. We work with the phrase bank clas sifying the expressions in: asking about plans and options making suggestions making an arrangement being evasive showing enthusiasm suggesting an alternative ++++We have revised and listened  track 55 from page 36 in order to remember the two dialogues. DICTATION RULES IN SPORTS  FOOTBALL When there is a penalty*** , the goalkeeper must have both feet on the goal line and must not move until the player taking the penalty kicks the ball. If the goalkeeper starts to dive before the ball is touched, then the penalty has to be taken again. ***** A penalty is a kick that a player takes from 10 metres in front of the goal after a foul has been committed inside certain area. TENNIS After throwing the ball up in the air while serving , the player´s feet must not come down inside the line of the tennis court until he or s

Passive Voice.

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo de como voy a preguntar la voz pasiva en el exámen. unit 5 PASSIVE VOICE: Change the sentences from active to passive keeping the meaning.   They offered my father a new job as senior consultant. My father... A new job.... We are writing them some cheese cake recipes. They... Some cheese cake recipes... BMW sells the most expensive sports cars in Dubai. The most expensive sports cars..... BE CAREFUL WITH THIS STRUCTURE. Se dice que BMV vende--- pasiva refleja--- They say that BMV sells the most expensive cars in Dubai. BMV is said to sell the most expensive cars in Dubai.