
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como pendientes

Tips 1 & 2

1 Certain verbs are followed by V+ing or a noun. Si traduces del español y en esta estructura pones un infinitivo, siempre estará mal en inglés . Avoid doing it .= Evita hacerlo. AVOID,   BE WORTH,   DISLIKE,  LIKE,  HATE,  LOVE, ENJOY,  FANCY,  HELP,  KEEP,  MIND, PRACTISE,  RISK,  CAN´T STAND y algunos más. Si quieres ver una lista más completa ve a las páginas 127-128 del SB, Distinction 2, OXFORD. It´ s not worth waiting for a bus at this time of the day. ( no vale la pena esperar…) I dislike having to get up early.( Me desagrada tener que…) Do you like meeting people from other countries? ( ¿Te gusta conocer…?) I don´t fancy going out this evening . ( No me apetece salir…) John can´t help laughing when he sees you! ( John no puede evitar reirse…) I wish you wouldn´t keep interrupting .( Ojalá no me interrumpiérais..) I don´t mind helping you do the washing-up. (No me importa ayudarte a fregar …) Jane misses going for long country walks. ( Jane echa

Revising is the key to success!

Revision unit 1 Relative clauses RELATIVE CLAUSES Las Oraciones de Relativo RELATIVE CLAUSES RULE EXAMPLE who / that refer to people They caught the man who / that spied for China. which / that refer to objects I lost the map which / that she gave me. whose refers to possession She complained to the man whose dog bit her. when refers to a moment in time Christmas Day is a day when people are happy. where refers to a particular place We visited the house where our father was born. In non-defining sentences, the word that cannot replace who or which . Mata Hari, who was a famous female spy, was born in Holland. Buckingham Palace, which is in London, is a favourite tourist site. Las oraciones de relativo van introducidas por un pronombre o un adverbio relativo: who, which, that, whose, when, where. oración principal oración subordinada de relativo Hay dos tipos de oraciones de relativo: Defining Relative Clauses y Non-defining Relative C