
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como 2º Ampliación U-11


    2º AMPLIACIÓN COMMUNICATE 2 Page 65 1. TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 3. C -commit a faux pas A -put one´s foot in it E -look an idiot B -knows the ins and outs of something D - dos and don´ts 4. a) know all the details of something = knows the ins and outs of something b) appear stupid = look an idiot c) do something which is socially unacceptable = commit a fauz pas & put one´s foot in it d) things  you should and shouldn´t do = dos and don´ts Page 66 2. a) Japan?  The noisiest place in the world b) Madrid? One of the world´s noisiest capitals c) cars? The source of the majority of the noise d) Spanish bars? Among the noisiest in the world. e) effects on health? Loss of hearing, problems with sleep and physical and mental health problems 3. second 130 million 25% 65 30 95%