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Health and medicine verbs: Practice & Correction 2º Bachillerato 1 👇👇👇👇

POSSIBLE ANSWERS - Washing your hands prevents disease. -The doctor uses the x-ray to diagnose the illness. - The nurse admits the patient to hospital. - The GP (General Practitioner- Medical Doctor) consults the patient about her recovery. - The nurse is adjusting the IV, - The patient is getting an injection in the arm. He is injecting a vaccine into the patient´s arm. - The doctor is measuring the patient´s blood pressure. - The medical staff have many devices to monitor the patients. - The surgical team are operating on a patient. (performing an operation ) - Taking medicine relieves headaches. - She is suffering from a severe headache. - The therapist is trying to rehabilitate the patient´s leg movement. . Shaking hands can transmit bacteria and viruses.👇

Inversion: Conditionals without if. (4th November´s HOMEWORK)


3rd November´s lesson- 2º Bachillerato (4th November´s HOMEWORK-VIDEO WATCHING)

  👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Latin words ending in -um   form the plural in -a. Para formar el plural de estas palabras podemos agregar una s al singular, pero el lenguaje culto-científico se prefiere mantener la terminación en latín. addendum  -  addenda, addendums bacterium  -  bacteria (solo en Latín) datum  -  data, datums symposium  -  symposia, symposiums aquarium  -  aquaria, aquariums curriculum  -  curricula, curriculums SB, pages 24-25 We didn´t finish correcting. The vocabulary exercises 6,7 and 8 weren´t corrected today.