
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como 1º Ampliación U-7


4º C Monday, SB, page 60 with Jennifer and with AA. Thursday, Conditional sentences File Friday,WB, pages 40 to 46 We only corrected page 41 18th March- Retake exam of the reader. Students have given in their projects for STAYING WELL.  Some Students have also sent their drafts via AULA VIRTUAL. 4º B Tuesday, WB, pages 40 to 46. I tried to revise but students didn´t follow my instructions.B Wednesday, We corrected pages 40 and 41 + SB, page 60 Friday, Evaluation Test, Units 1 to 5 I have handed out the Conditional Sentences File (due to be corrected on Wednesday, 11th March) 18th March- Retake exam of the reader. 2º AMPLIACIÓN Monday, "Job interview" rehearsals during the class. Jenny shares some interested questions that can be asked during a job interview. Wednesday, Unit 8 Test Thusday, we have the Job interview and the listening practise with files to be completed. SPEAKING AND LISTE

Summing up of previous week!

PATIENCE will be REWARDED!!! We have had exams with all the levels and the two picks of exams in front of me are similar. So I consider myself lucky BECAUSE the pick of corrected texts and the to-be-corrected-soon pick are the same height. It takes time to correct but it is part of the job, though the hardest for teachers. Next Monday 16th February, we´ll start to work on our projects on  HEALTHY LIFESTYLES in 4º ESO C. The THEATRE APPOINTMENTS  for  ESO  are getting closer as well. Outings for good plays in English are just here. Emotions running high and expectations growing day after day. In 1º AMPLIACIÓN  we have switched groups and we are going practising our listening and speaking skills. The sooner we realise that practise makes the master, the better. In 2º AMPLIACIÓN we are approaching the  2nd Term Evaluation, so exams are going to be BIG/HARD/AWESOME and studying and revising have become a MUST. 1º Bachillerato 3/4  students are learning to WRITE

Money: Vocabulary about problems and solutions.

Poetry for welcoming my dear darlings.

    Undivided Attention by Taylor Mali  A grand piano wrapped in quilted pads by movers, tied up with canvas straps - like classical music's birthday gift to the insane - is gently nudged without its legs out an eighth-floor window on 62nd street. It dangles in April air from the neck of the movers' crane, Chopin-shiny black lacquer squares and dirty white crisscross patterns hanging like the second-to-last note of a concerto played on the edge of the seat, the edge of tears, the edge of eight stories up going over, and I'm trying to teach math in the building across the street.

