Writing tips!

The six steps of the writing process

When we write we do more than just put words together to make sentences.

Good writers go through several steps to produce a piece of writing.


  • Choose a topic:(elige el tema que te resulte más fácil de desarrollar)

  • Gather ideas: When you have a topic, think about what you will write about that topic (decide que vas decir sobre el tema).

  • Organise: Decide which of the ideas you want to use end where you want to use them. Choose which idea to talk about first , which to talk next and which to tal about last. (Piensa que vas a decir en cada párrafo, lo que vas a poner primero, segundo, etc.

  • Write:  Write your paragraph or essay from start to finish. Use your notes about your ideas and organisation.


  • Review structure and content: Check what you have written. Read your writing silently to yourself or aloud, perhaps to a friend. Look for places where you can add more information, and check to see if you have any unneecessary information. Ask a classmate to exchange texts with you. Your classmate reads your text, and you read his or hers. Getting a reader´s opinión is good way to know if you writing is clear and effective. Revise the structure and content before you proofread it.


  • Revise structure and content. (Reesctibe tu texto haciendo todas la mejoras en estructura y contenido que puedas, explica mejor las cosas, agrega más detalles, evita la repetición de palabras, mejora el orden para que las ideas suenen más razonadas y se basen unas en otras por medio de LINKERS).

  • Proofread: Read your text again and check your gramar and spelling. REGISTER/STYLE (Cada vez que lo leas puedes intentar mejorarlo. Depende de ti las veces que lo repitas y del tiempo que tengas, e.g., si tienes una hora y media)

  • Make final corrections: Now you have finished it (unas vez corregido has terminado de escribir tu redacción)

