
Problemas de concor!dancia: Agreement

AGREEMENT = concordancia CROSS OUT THE WRONG OPTIONS. Newspapers   is / are sold  in our local supermaket everyday. But this English magazine  is/ are  not sold   here. Is/ Are  these newspapers  sold  with a DVD? In fact they  is/ are being sold  with a mug and a comic today. I thought the headlines  was/were written  in Frech, but I made a mistake. Was/Were  they  written  in Polish? I  was/were told  they   was/were written  in Esperanto. Was/were  the article also  written  in Esperanto? FEEL CONFIDENT AND TRY MORE EXERCISES Put the verb in brackets () into the passive voice. Use past simple passive only and pay attention to the CONCORD AND AGREEMENT, SUBJECT-VERB. Ice  cream puede ser contable o incontable, si nos referimos  al producto o a un cucurucho de..., usamos la misma palabra de formas diferente. Example: Ice cream ____ (eat) in China centuries ago. Answer: Ice cream was eaten in China centuries ago. 1. The people at the World'

GRAMMARMAN the Grammar Hero (English humour)


What´s in a verb?

A sentence can offer a moment of quiet, it can crackle with energy or it can just lie there, listless and uninteresting. Una oración nos puede ofrecer un momento de paz y quietud o puede vibrar con energía, puede yacer inmóvil, irrelevante y anodina .   What makes the difference?  ¿Qué hace que puedan ser tan distintas las oraciones? The verb. El verbo. Verbs kick-start sentences: Without them, words would simply cluster together in suspended animation.  We often call them action words, but verbs also can carry  sentiments ( love, fear, lust, disgust ),  hint at cognition ( realize, know, recognize ),  bend ideas together ( falsify, prove, hypothesize ),  assert possession ( own, have )  and conjure existence itself ( is, are ). Fundamentally, verbs fall into two classes: static ( to be, to seem, to become ) and dynamic ( to whistle, to waffle, to wonder ).  These two classes are sometimes called “passive” and “active,” and the former ar

Are we normal? On Autism

Faith Jegede tells us about her experience with two autistic brothers. It is worth listening (and reading because in Youtube you can get the transcript). In our high school we have autistic students with this very problem. Open up your ears, don´t be prejudiced and narrow-minded and try to understand, because it is EASY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tip 5: personal pronouns, possesive adjectives and reflexive pronouns

PERSONAL PRONOUNS Los pronombres son palabras que van en lugar de los nombres en una oración, una vez que el nombres ha sido mencionado ya, con elfin de evitar la repetición. Dependiendo de su tipo, los pronombres pueden realizar diferentes funciones dentro de una oración. Un pronombre sujeto siempre  sustituye al sujeto de la oración y, por tanto, vacolocado delante del verbo:  The man is a bus driver 􀃆 He is driving a bus The monkeys are in the zoo 􀃆 They are funny El pronombre sujeto no siempre es necesario en español, porque las terminaciones verbales indican la persona y el número, pero en inglés son imprescindibles. Un pronombre objeto va inmediatamente después del verbo, y ocupa el  lugar del complemento de la oración:  The car has a flat tyre 􀃆 Father is fixing  it.  Mother is looking for the children 􀃆 She is calling them  Detrás de las preposiciones también se usan los pronombres objeto: This letter isn’t for him , it’s for me POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES U

Tip 3 : concord = concordancia

3 CONCORD OR AGREEMENT Concord is very important. If you don´t agree the subjects to the verbs you will never get a pass in the text writing. To get a pass= aprobar REMEMBER 1: This=singular //This advantage is … These= plural //These advantages are… In this places   { in those places or in these places) Much = incontables que son singulares siempre. REMEMBER 1.1: Typical uncountable nouns: ü   Substances: water, air, coffee, plastic, iron, paper ü   Abstract ideas: life, fun, freedom, heath, time, progress ü   Activities: work, travel, sleep, football, help, research ü   Human feelings: happiness, anger, honesty, hope, respect, courage ü   Groups of items: furniture (mobiliario, furnitures no existe), luggage (equipaje, conjunto de maletas, luggages no existe) Other super-hyper-mega usual WORDS ( que se usan “mazo” de veces en la comunicación oral o escrita) ACCOMMODATION, ADVICE, BEHAVIOUR, BUSINESS, CASH, EQUIPMENT,HOMEWORK, HOUSEW

Tips 1 and 2 : Dealing with V-ing forms.

1 Certain verbs are followed by V+ing or a noun. Si traduces del español y en esta estructura pones un infinitivo, siempre estará mal en inglés . Avoid doing it .= Evita hacerlo. AVOID,   BE WORTH,   DISLIKE,  LIKE,  HATE,  LOVE, ENJOY,  FANCY,  HELP,  KEEP,  MIND, PRACTISE,  RISK,  CAN´T STAND y algunos más. Si quieres ver una lista más completa ve a las páginas 127-128 del SB, Distinction 2, OXFORD. It´ s not worth waiting for a bus at this time of the day. ( no vale la pena esperar…) I dislike having to get up early.( Me desagrada tener que…) Do you like meeting people from other countries? ( ¿Te gusta conocer…?) I don´t fancy going out this evening . ( No me apetece salir…) John can´t help laughing when he sees you! ( John no puede evitar reirse…) I wish you wouldn´t keep interrupting .( Ojalá no me interrumpiérais..) I don´t mind helping you do the washing-up. (No me importa ayudarte a fregar …) Jane misses going for long country walks. ( Jane ech