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Alumnos que tienen que hacer el examen de los temas 1,2,3 y 4 : 10th December Test

 I am sorry, it has taken me a bit longer to write the list. Because I have had to get the average score as well.   Lista de alumnos que tienen que hacer el examen de los temas 1,2,3 y 4. 10th December 2014 Aula de Inglés 3   ANSELEM, NOSAIR BENAZAR, JADIRA BUITRÓN, MARLON CASADO, CRISTINA DÍAZ, SERGIO ENTIO, SERGIO FUNGUERIÑO, EDUARDO GONZÁLEZ, FEDERICO GONZÁLEZ, MIRIAM LUGUE, LORENA MANZANO, ZAIDA MÁRQUEZ, TAMARA MEKI, NAJOUA PRATS, ROBERTO PRIMO, EVA TRIGUERO, ANTONIO XU, XIAOYU CABRER, CÁNDIDA         

Anna´s Diary

1º AMPLIACIÓN MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS BIG GROUP AT THE SUM COMMUNICATE 1 pps 10 LIFE CHOICES GCSE´S A LEVELS APPRENTICESHIP VOCATIONAL TRAINING LISTENINGS, EXERCISES 1,2 & 3 COMPLETE THE CHART ON NOTEBOOKS NOTE-TAKING WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS FOUR STUDENTS DIDN´T ATTEND CLASSES. NEXT BIG CLASS WE ARE HAVING THE EXAM UNIT 1. BE AS PUNCTUAL AS POSSIBLE 2º AMPLIACIÓN GROUP 1 : FINAL TASK p 8, Jenny´s session GROUP 2: LISTENING  p 12 COMMUNITY CARE Care in the Community (also called "Community Care" or "Domiciled Care") is the British policy of deinstitutionalization, treating and caring for physically and mentally disabled people in their homes rather than in an institution. Institutional care was the target of widespread criticism during the 1960s and 1970s, but it was not until 1983 that the government of Margaret Thatcher adopted a new policy of care after the Audit Commission published a report called '

Ana´s Diary: Send me an Angel


Do Social Networks Improve our Social Interaction?

There’s no question, Dunbar agrees, that networks like Facebook are changing the nature of human interaction.  “What Facebook does and why it’s been so successful in so many ways is it allows you to keep track of people who would otherwise effectively disappear,” he said. But one of the things that keeps face-to-face friendships strong is the  nature of shared experience : you laugh together; you dance together;  you gape at the hot-dog eaters on Coney Island together.  We do have a social-media equivalent—sharing, liking, knowing that all of your friends have looked at the same cat video on YouTube as you did—but it lacks the synchronicity of shared experience. It’s like a comedy that you watch by yourself: you won’t laugh as loudly or as often, even if you’re fully aware that all your friends think it’s hysterical. We’ve seen the same movie, but we can’t bond over it in the same way.   With social media, we can easily keep up with the lives and interests of far more than

English Grammar - By or Until?

Prepositions; Little words that show if you really know English or not. Mistakes with prepositions have to be prevented. Watch the video and learn how to use until/till and by.

No good..uno de esos días en que nada te sale bien!

Everyone has (had) bad days.  You forget your homework  or leave your lunch at home.  Someone says something rude or uncaring.  The money you thought was in the bank  has been spent.  You wake up feeling sick on the day  of an important job interview. All of these things are  no good .  It sounds like bad grammar…  nd maybe it is… but instead of saying  “not good,” it’s also OK to say  no good .  Your bicycle has a flat tire? That’s  no good .  You can’t find your favorite jeans? That’s  no good .  You fall and break your ankle?  That’s definitely  no good !  To be  no good  is to be unfortunate,  disappointing, sad, or just plain terrible. It isn’t only situations that are described this way.  No good  is also used to talk about something  that has stopped working.  Your broken cell phone,  your computer that won’t start,  the refrigerator that won’t stay cold…  all of these things are  no good . taken from e-b

Epic and Anime Cosplay

    El cosplay ( コスプレ , kosupure ? ) , contracción de costume play , es un tipo de moda representativa, donde los participantes usan disfraces, accesorios y trajes que representan un sujeto específico o una idea. Los cosplayers a menudo interactúan para crear una subcultura centrada en el juego de roles. Una definición más amplia del término "cosplay" aplica a cualquier uso de disfraz de juegos roles fuera del escenario, independientemente de su contexto cultural. Las fuentes favoritas para esto incluyen cómics, anime, manga y videojuegos. El cosplay tiene un enfoque cultural específico dedicado a la representación realista de una idea o un personaje propio de la ficción; puede tener distintas variantes según la intención y el contexto, normalmente haciendo una representación física y dramática de un personaje. Entre sus variantes se encuentran notablemente: la representación de personajes antropomorfos, la adaptación antropomorfa de personajes zoomorfos, el cross-dre

Idioms - BBC Learning English (The Teacher)

HEAD IDIOMS EYE IDIOMS FOOT IDIOMS ARM IDIOMS An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest. For example, an English speaker would understand the phrase " kick the bucket " to mean "to die"  – as well as to actually kick a bucket. Furthermore, they would understand when each meaning is being used in context. An idiom is not to be confused with other figures of speech such as a metaphor, which invokes an image by use of implicit comparisons ( e.g. , "the man of steel" ); a simile, which invokes an image by use of explicit comparisons ( e.g. , "faster than a speeding bullet" ); and hyperbole, which exaggerates an image beyond truthfulness ( e.g. , like "missed by a mile" ). Idioms are also not to be confused with proverbs, which are simple sayings that express a truth based on common sense or practical experience.

Stones: Supersize versus skinny (the EXTREMES)


Sensible ideas on weight, size and body image.


English measures (aka as Imperial measures) and Metric measures.

Measurements are ways that we tell others how much of an item we have. There are two systems of measuring things—English and Metric. English measurements are used  in the United States and UK, while metric measurements are used in nearly every other country. Measurements are used to give number values to distance (length, width, and height), weight, time, volume (liquid measurements), and temperature.         Common English Measures Distance Inches (in) 12 in = 1 ft Feet (ft) 3 ft = 1 yd Yards (yd) 1760 yd = 1 mi Miles (mi) 1 mi = 5280 ft Weight Ounces (oz) 16 oz = 1 lb Pounds (lb) 2000 lb = 1 t Tons (t) 1 t

Some Astrological hints for beginners.


Vocabulary: Clothes, men´s wear, women´s wear, footwear & accesories


Poetry for welcoming my dear darlings.

    Undivided Attention by Taylor Mali  A grand piano wrapped in quilted pads by movers, tied up with canvas straps - like classical music's birthday gift to the insane - is gently nudged without its legs out an eighth-floor window on 62nd street. It dangles in April air from the neck of the movers' crane, Chopin-shiny black lacquer squares and dirty white crisscross patterns hanging like the second-to-last note of a concerto played on the edge of the seat, the edge of tears, the edge of eight stories up going over, and I'm trying to teach math in the building across the street.



Contra el racismo y la xenofobia: I Have a Dream.


Game of Thrones: Season 4 is coming soon.


How to sound like a native speaker


The Phantom of the Opera

MAIN CHARACTHERS Erik Disfigured composer who lives in the cellars beneath the Paris Opera House, frequently referred to as “the Opera Ghost” Christine Daaé Budding young opera star, Erik’s student and Raoul’s love interest  Raoul  Phillipe’s younger brother and Christine’s childhood friend Phillipe The Comte de Chagny  a handsome and wealthy aristocrat Debienne and Poligny  Managers of the Paris Opera House who sell the institution early in the novel Montcharmin and Richard  New managers of the Paris Opera House, both initially skeptical of the existence of the Opera Ghost Madame (Mame) Giry The Opera House boxkeeper (similar to contemporary ushers) Carlotta A prima donna,  a renowned singer at the Paris Opera House Joseph Buquet A popular scene shifter responsible for moving and adjusting sets during the opera’s productions Professor and Mme. Valerius Christine’s benefactors who raise her after her father dies The Persian Mysterious Opera House res

Adrian Hon discusses life skills with Macmillan

Founder of Six to Start, the award-winning games developer behind Zombies, Run!, Adrian Hon creates original smartphone games which combine the digital and physical world. In this video interview, Adrian discusses why learning new skills is so important when thinking about  future career opportunities.(taken from MacMillan Education website)